Monthly Archives: January 2014

National Geographic: Salt Power – Norway Project Gives Osmotic Energy a Shake

Few people think of osmosis as a way to help feed the world’s hunger for energy. But an experiment under way on a coastal inlet in Norway may help draw attention to the power packed in the salty seas.

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Java software – film performance as President of the US (entrance 43 secs in)

US News & World Report: Getting Paid For Parenting

Norwegian policymakers are sold on the idea that relieving the time and economic pressure on parents yields long-term benefits. Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said the long maternity leave, in particular, just makes good economic sense. “It gives Norway a competitive advantage when young families do not have to choose between having a career and having children,” Stoltenberg says. “They can have both. … The benefit of giving parents paid maternity leave for a year is that they don’t leave the workforce for several years.”

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Canal Digital ad – Voiceover


Four years content creation for leading worldwide energy firm.



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Internet writer for a major international aluminium and energy company.



Norwegian national television: Blake Kennedy

Performance as Blake Kennedy in Norwegian national television series: